Employees use The DigitalXpress app to share their news anonymously

Employees use The DigitalXpress app to share their news anonymously


Even though freedom of speech is a basic right of everyone, but there are many situations affect people to share their voice freely. In before, most of the people get job security, family support, and tolerance virtue. The increased level of conveniences never creates lots of pressure on them.
Now the level of pressure is increasing more and more in the workplace. When these hassles are combined with extended hours, it causes further stress to the people. It is the main reason why people need to share their thoughts and maintain good mental health. Often, harassment or corruption within the government departments is the major issues that people have experienced across the places.
Still, ranting in the community regarding any problem may have some repercussions. Due to this, people look for the secret chatting platform where they can safely their new blogs or news without any criticism. The best chat room allows people to spread their voice among many people by using group chat.
Unique features
When it comes to TheDigitalXpress, it is a specialized app which is otherwise called a group segment room. The main aim of this groupchatting app is to let people create an effective group where they can send photos and images. In addition to that, it brings users a fantastic chance to chat with group members anonymously. Here are the key points of this app as follow:
  • The anonymous chatting tool offers a platform where you can practice the speech freedom with no harm.
  • Also, it let you share the new secret blog or news regarding the organization, mismanagement, corruption in the government
  • Ideal for everyone for sharing images, creating videos and chatting with group members anonymously
  • We will viral your blog or news or video in all our social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc ( free of cost )
With stunning features, the best news chatting anticipates making required changes so that anyone can share information freely and latest news namelessly.


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